Hello and welcome to my portfolio!

So you porbaly have come here to see some shitty code didn't you?
Well that's no problem, here you can check out my curent active projects.

Who am I?


My username is dark1zinn, i use it pretty much everywhere, from the games i play to all my accounts accross the web, why this choice?
Well, it was a long time ago when i was 12 or 13 years old, i think this "cool username" thing happened to a lot of people that time.
I started using this username everywhere and now to change it would be so much effort to do, then i decided to just adopt this username, and yes, i do like it.

Anyways, my actual name is Edilson, but most people call me by Juininho, the close ones of course. (That's all you need to know about my actual 'life')

My country, my beloved side of the world, BRASIL!!
I'm from Brasil, with an S, not with that shitty "z", i was born a brasillian, and for GOD sake, what a hardcore place, i know i live here and yes i do love my country, but sometimes i think on how i'm still going on with all that's happening around here.

More about me soon...